Toby’s Furry Love Affair

First impressions

Image result for kitten furry clipart black white whiskers

Image result for ginger cat on a windowsill sunshineToby was a furry little kitten, who was smitten. He was undeniably in love with Miss Miaw. The first time they officially met, he made a bad first impression on her! She was lying on the windowsill, peacefully taking in the sunshine, and as he walked past her, he tripped over a sock. Darn, that sock! Miss Miaw noticed and giggled. That Toby was so clumsy. Little did he know she found him adorable.

Second chances

The next morning, the devilish vacuum cleaner was roaring. Oh no! Where was Miss Miaw? Was she safe? Toby’s pitter-patter around the house couldn’t even be heard, not over the vroom vroom of the vacuum cleaner. Still, Miss Miaw had a feeling he was coming to find her.

Image result for kitten furry clipart black white whiskersAs she hid under the cherry red sofa, she saw a shadow approaching. The shadow was shaking, a tiny black shadow caught in an earthquake! And suddenly – those big green eyes and snowy white whiskers came into sight. Toby’s snowy white whiskers were unmistakable. He had come for her!

Meant to be

Image result for scary vacuum cleanerAs they huddled close under the sofa, its cherry red colour seemed to match the tingling they felt in their furry bodies. They felt warm and fuzzy not because of their feline nature, but rather because together they felt safe. The roaring, which had so frightened them minutes ago, seemed to fade into the background. Their purring, their bashful glances, the feeling that they were exactly where they were supposed to be. It all came together to create a harmonious symphony. One far more powerful than the ominous growling that surrounded them.

Purring into the sunset

These two kittens knew then that their lives would never be the same again. In one another’s company, nothing could touch them. And so it happened that Miss Miaw finally awoke to the love that had been quietly and patiently waiting for her all this time. Toby and MM purred together for the rest of their years. That vacuum cleaner continued to roar; but never again did it scare them, now that they had each other.


Learning a new language

Globalization is communication

After the world started being explored and countries began being mapped, the world economy started pushing people to seek and create deep overseas connections. That is, it caused people to search for opportunities all over the planet. Once people got to different parts of the world, they realized the importance of communication. It became obvious that, in order to communicate, people needed to learn the different languages of such regions. The modern results of these experiences are all the language schools, exchange programs, and websites we see all around the world (and on the internet).

Of course, due to globalization and the influence of some countries, some languages were set as the basis for worldwide communication. Nowadays, if you speak English, you can communicate with most of the world. Chinese and Spanish are also used by a large portion of the world, but English wins in terms of practicality. This is probably due to its phonetics being easier for speakers of different languages to learn.

I believe it’s important to learn more than just one language. Making English the only form of communication between nations can be rather limiting. That being said, English is a good way to start amplifying your means of worldwide communication.

There are many ways to learn a language, and it will depend a lot on who you are and how you best absorb new information. Today I would like to focus on a learning myth: “the best way to learn English is by living in an English-speaking country”.

The learning myth

Yes, it is a myth. You might think: “how about my cousin that went to England last summer and came back with perfect English?” Well, first of all, her English is probably not perfect. There is no denying that the experience of living a few months immersed in the culture, and speaking and listening to natives, has an impact on a person’s language skills. However, I assure you the improvement depends more on how your cousin dealt with the new information she was receiving and the situations she was experiencing. A native-like English level might take you a lifetime. However, with continuous practice, you’ll be able to see improvement in your communication skills every couple of months. It doesn’t take a native level to travel, make friends, work and write e-mails. It does, however, take discipline, practice, and pushing your own limits.

Therefore, it all depends on a person’s ability to deal with new information. It’s possible to become fluent without leaving your country, city, neighborhood or even your house! There is no mystery to it. You need to create and establish the habit of a new language in your brain, the same process of literacy we all went through when we were babies. That’s why repetition is so important: if you listen to a song every day, eventually you will be singing along, won’t you? The same goes for the language learning process. Eventually, your brain will reproduce the information it receives.

The “eventually” can be any amount of time, depending on how much time you dedicate to the learning process. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to be patient and keep training your brain at a regular pace. At the beginning, it might seem impossible to evolve, but after the brain warms up, success is guaranteed.

Train your brain

Have I convinced you that you can learn English in your own country? I hope I have because now we can check out some interesting practices to improve your English skills.

  • It’s really important to be surrounded by English stimulus. Look for songs, a blog about something that interests you, a book, movies, series, or cell phone apps. You need to be in contact with the language as much as possible. An extra tip: change the language on your cell phone and computer to English!
  • Be patient with yourself. There is no such thing as a right period of time to learn something. Unless you have a specific situation in which you will need to speak fluently, take your time. I understand the anxiety we feel when we wish to express our thoughts but we don’t know how. Just remember that you will know how to eventually, no doubt about it.
  • Start by focusing on the context. When you start practicing your listening skills, don’t try to understand every single word. If you try to identify every word and then try to comprehend the meaning of the whole sentence, you will get lost. Especially with English, a language that often has many different meanings for a single word. It’s best to comprehend the general meaning first and then move on to the specific meanings.
  • Speak! Reading helps you with vocabulary, listening helps you with pronunciation and context comprehension, but speaking is the moment when you gather everything you know in order to express a thought. So, it’s really important to have a constant speaking moment in your learning process. You can take on English classes, go to Spanglish meetings or chat with international friends. The important thing is to keep speaking!

If you start by following this list of advice, you will certainly see a difference…when? That’s right: eventually! 😉
If you know of or practice other learning strategies that have been effective for you, please share them! What’s the one thing that truly pushed your English to the next level?

The Blind Date

Pretty Woman in Red Shirt

Sonia is a 25-year old woman. She wants to find love, or at least have some fun.

Tonight she has a blind date. The date is with her sister’s coworker.

Before the date, Sonia asks her sister:

‘Is he handsome? What does he look like?’

Her sister responds:

‘He is really hot! He has brown curly hair and

green eyes.’

Sonia is worried, she wants a picture.

Un hombre caminando con una mochila en su espalda, Caminar, Hombre, Hombre  PNG y Vector

‘Do you have any photos?’

‘Ermmm, no. But don’t worry, he is tall!’

‘What’s his height?’

‘175cm! And he has nice muscles! He always wears orange clothes and orange sunglasses.’

‘Okay… What’s his name?’


‘How do you spell that?’


The name sounds foreign. Sonia is curious and asks where he is from.

Image result for brazilian flag clipart

‘He is Brazilian! Brazilian men are very sweet.’

‘I love Brazilians! Okay I will go on the date.’

The next day Sonia goes on the date. She arrives at the bar and waits.

Across the room, she sees a man. He is standing by the bar. The man looks like he is in his 30s; his hair is brown and curly, he is tall and olive-skinned.

Is it Rafael?

She checks her reflection in the window. She is wearing her favorite top and her best lilac skirt.

Her hair is down; she’s wearing red lipstick.

Her heart races. She starts to walk towards the man.

They make eye contact for a moment and she feels the electricity through her body.

Suddenly, the lights go out.

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A speaker announces that in this bar, the lights go out at 9 p.m.

The lights will only switch back on at 4 a.m., when the bar closes.

Everyone here is ‘blind’, and they have to rely on other sensations to find their partner.



Will Sonia find Rafael? Or will she lose him to someone else?

Image result for clipart question mark



The Architecture of Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a an incredible city for people who appreciate architecture. Being in a country of immigrants, the buildings of the city draw from diverse sources. The architectural style of Buenos Aires is predominantly French, but the city offers so much more.

College of Engineering: Paseo Colon/San Telmo

Many of the most beautiful buildings in the city serve an academic purpose. Two of the mos

Style: Neoclassical

Characteristics: columns, blank walls

College of Engineering: Las Heras

Style: Gothic Revivial

Characteristics: pointed arches, vertical focus

National Library: Recoleta

The National Library Building is rather divisive; some people amy

Style: Brutalsim

Edificio Kavanaugh: Retiro

My favorite building in the city would have to be the Kavanaugh Building, located on Plaza San Martin in the Retiro neighborhood. When construction of the building was completed in 1936, it was the tallest building in South America.

The Kavanaugh is a prime example of the Art Deco architectural movement. The style is very easy to recognize; it often consists of sleek, geometric facades with elegant details. Some famous examples inculde the Chrysler Building in New York City and the style of buildings in Miami, Florida.

The style originated in the 1920s and continued throught the 1930s.

What makes the building my favorite is that everytime I walk by, or see it out of a bus window, I notice something new. Its complex shape makes a view from every angle unique.

Kirchner Cultural Center (originally Correo Central): Microcentro

The Buenos Aires Central Post Office was built in 1928

Style: Beaux Arts

Tribunales: Microcentro

Style: Eclecticism


Choosing the Perfect Pet

Do you like animals? Do you feel your life would be happier with a new member in the family?

Babies are too much responsibility, get a pet! A new friend will surely add excitement to your everyday life. But which one should you choose? Here are some of my thoughts on different pets, along with tips on how to decide which one will suit you best.

Devoted Dogs

Dogs are great if you crave company 24/7, but you need to have a lot of free time to walk them, play with them and groom them. Dogs are not a great choice if you have a busy life, or if you are an independent person. They are like a life partner. Having a dog is practically the same as getting married! Dogs depend on you and you can likewise depend on them. If you are down, I guarantee they will try to cheer you up.

Crazy Cats

Cats, unlike dogs, are unpredictable. They love you one minute and they hate you the next. A cat is a good match for you if you like surprises. They can be loving and strongly independent at the same time. They don’t require as much time as dogs. People always say cats need territory and dogs need people. Don’t underestimate cats’ need for love though, because nothing makes them purr more than a lengthy cuddle session.

Idle Iguanas

To put it plainly, iguanas don’t do much. They laze around and aren’t really what you would call the life of the party. Many disagree and say they are interesting in how different they are and how rarely we encounter them. The upside is they require very little energy and time. I sometimes wonder if they are kept more as decorations than as pets. Just don’t get one if you have green walls and green carpets.

Iguanas are lazy


Hungry Hamsters

Hamsters are hungry I once read that hamsters eat their offspring and each other when they fight over territory. I don’t know if that is true but I suggest keeping them in separate cages. They are very easy on the eyes with their tiny little hands and beady eyes. They are also low maintenance which is good. Just keep in mind that interacting with them tends to be less mutually-rewarding than interacting with cats or dogs. To summarize, they are basically a cuter and squishier version of an Iguana.

Sassy Snakes

Believe it or not, snakes as pets is a huge trend. I think it’s more of a statement, just like a t-shirt with the name of your favourite band on it, or a tattoo. It’s an extension of your persona. I don’t know if snake owners feel genuine affection for their snakes or see them as a living accessory. Snakes are definitely awe-inspiring but not for the faint of heart. Feeding time involves placing real rodents inside their tanks; they may be frozen but it is still a little disturbing. Their tanks, with special lighting, ventilation, and soil, can be pricey. Definitely not the go-to choice for a stingy owner.

Taciturn Turtles

If you get a turtle you know it will never run away because it’s simply too slow. You also don’t have to worry about crushing it accidentally because of its protective shell. They don’t even need tanks if you have a patio; the downside is that many people think they are dull and have no personality. I think turtles don’t care who humans are—they are too cool to care. One thing is for sure though, they are very entertaining to watch. If you like watching them walk around with their stubby legs and you enjoy seeing them stick out their little necks, what are you waiting for?

Peckish ParrotsImage result for clipart parrot

Pirates had them, so why shouldn’t we? You can even get an eyepatch to match. They are chatty companions and you can share your crackers with them. They are great for people who want a pet that can fill the silence at home, and they have beautiful, vibrant-coloured feathers. Just don’t keep them in cages, as most consider this unethical and in some places it is illegal. If you don’t want a bird flying freely around your home then maybe stick to seeing them on national geographic.

Lunch Lobsters

Lobsters make for fantastic besties… you can even boil them for dinner when you get bored of them. Just kidding! That’s a bonus one as a joke. But I’m sure there’s somebody out there with a lobster tank shaking their head in disapproval.

So, what pet are you keen on having? I say we all get turtles and make them race each other. Leave a comment below sharing your thoughts.

In your opinion, what is the best pet to have?

What does it mean to enter adulthood?

Romanticism and Cynicism – Your 20s

The stairway to heaven? Nope it’s just the attic of adulthood

When we’re young all we want is to grow up. Yet when they hand us the metaphorical key to adulthood in the form of a very sudden, real and binding need to be self-sufficient, it triggers our flight response. The first thing we want to do is swallow that key, pretend they never gave it is to us. But if we open that door and walk through it (voluntarily or not), and if we persevere, something wonderful occurs. We find the warm embrace that is finding ourselves, owning who we are, and deciding who we want to be.

Always late to the party

I am what some would call a late bloomer, I always have been. When I turned 14 my friends began to take an interest in matters of appearance. Something that at that time was completely alien to me. Why line your eyes and morph into a racoon? To what end? I could no longer relate to their actions because I was simply not there yet.

When I started university I had yet to have my first job. Looking at my classmates, whose jobs paid for their university, stirred in me a need to leave behind my comfort zone. At 18 I finally joined the workforce, becoming a productive member of society. Granted, I was getting paid under the table for waiting tables at a Japanese restaurant, but you get my point.

When I graduated from university, instead of having a job lined up, I moved all the way across the world to Argentina. Thinking back now I don’t think it was just for the reasons I told myself. I don’t deny that I was indeed seeking to get to know my country, and I did find it valuable to relearn Spanish. Nevertheless, I think I was also escaping adulthood, not necessarily the looming responsibility it encompassed, but rather its irrefutable monotony.

Thrust into adulthood

A lot of changes came suddenly for me this year. Not so long ago my parents packed up and left for Brazil. I woke up one day and had an entire house to take care of, and Pancha my cat now had only me to meow at for cuddles and affection. At first I reacted how I always do, I tried to turn away and escape.

I won’t bore you with the details of what happened or what I did, it wasn’t anything serious and definitely nothing out of a Sylvia Plath novel. What I do know is that that was the true beginning of my adulthood. That is the key moment wherein I began to learn to compromise between cynicism and romanticism.

Wise words from an ex

I used to idealise everything, human relationships and self-realisation above all. My ex-boyfriend used to say to me – ‘the problem is having high expectations, that’s when the problems start’. I remember thinking it sounded convincing, but also thinking it was the equivalent of giving up. I wasn’t going to let go of my expectations because to do that would have been the same as accepting a mediocre reality.

Image result for path sunlight5 years later I now know what he meant. I know now that he didn’t mean I shouldn’t expect the best possible from the world. What he meant was that I should embrace life as it came, if not, in my pursue of expectations, I might miss out on beauty right in front of me.

I have to admit I’ve turned to cynicism far too many times, thinking it was my only option. As the days pass however, I see in the horizon a possibility to merge two supposedly incompatible notions – romanticism and cynicism.

I still struggle with unrealistic expectations, and the jarring disappointments that are inevitable in life. So where do I turn? Cynicism can be an effective tool to cushion you from what sometimes can only be described as a bleak reality. Yet it is only through romanticism that we can access the highest of highs in life. Only with romanticism do the pathways to them become radiantly visible to us.

“Here’s to the fools who dream, crazy as they may seem”  –

Image result for la la landThe closer I get to this seemingly paradoxical compromise, the more at ease with myself I feel. I am learning to neither forsake what some would call my naïveté, nor my pragmatic introspection. In fact, I don’t subscribe to the negative connotations the word ‘cynicism’ carries. I find that cynicism brings me a degree of comfort in its candour. Nevertheless I know that the highest of highs I have ever felt, were when I gave myself permission to dream.

After reading the musings of a 25 year old girl, who claims to know very little about life or adulthood, what do you feel? What does romanticism mean to you? What is it to idealise life? And on the other side of the coin, what does it mean to be cynical?

I suspect that no matter our age, questions like these follow us throughout life. I no longer fear these doubts or questions, nor the discomfort they bring with them. Rather, I welcome them, because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I will always be able to dream.

What to do in Buenos Aires during summer

♪ “Summertime and the living’s easy…” ♪

Summer should be a synonym for joy, shouldn’t it?  Ella Fitzgerald, Janis Joplin, Bob Marley, Mungo Jerry, the guys from Seals & Croft and many others, all sang about the good things that come when the summer season arrives. The sun is stronger than ever, the weather is hot (sometimes boiling hot!) and nature is at its prime moment, right after the rebirth season, our lovely spring. It’s not just nature that is having the best moment of the year: we are too!

During summer we wear less clothing and flip flops to stay cool. We also sunbathe more, which helps our bodies produce a lot of vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin!) and gives us beautifully tanned skin (never forget the sunblock, though). Because it’s too hot, we seek outdoor activities and especially, water related activities! Lakes, rivers, the ocean, swimming pools, buckets, hoses… everything containing cool water becomes essential.

I know what you are thinking: “I live in Buenos Aires and work every day. I can’t just go to the beach the whole summer and I don’t have a pool at my house!” Yes, living in a big city is not very easy during summer. I mean, the subway becomes a really big sauna and the air conditioners make us sick because of the temperature shock. However, not all is lost! You can have a good time during summer in a big city like Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires’ subway, also known as the public sauna.

How to make life easier during summertime.

I’m going to be in Buenos Aires during the whole summer season. However, I will not lose all the joy and fun we can have during the summer because of that. Here are my plans for the season; hopefully, my plans can inspire yours.

  • I’m going to use less subway and more bicycle. As the city is flat and full of cycle lanes, I can easily get to work, a bar, or a friend’s house using a bicycle. I’m going to subscribe to the public bicycles system and then I will be able to reduce my time underground.
  • I’m going to spend more time at parks with lakes. Buenos Aires has a lot of green areas and many of them have lakes. Even if you can’t swim in the lake, being under the shade of a tree and close to the water is very refreshing. I will stay less time inside enclosed spaces!
  • I’m going to avoid synthetic fabrics. Once in hot weather, we will need to let our bodies breathe. That’s why natural fabrics are the best choice. The more comfortable you are, the less irritated by the hot weather you will be.
  • I’m going to avoid doing stressful tasks during the hottest hours of the day. If I need to schedule a meeting, or if I’m going to run errands around Microcentro, I will try to do it in the early morning or at the end of the day. That way, I will avoid combining stress with being too hot. That’s a deadly combination!
  • I’m going to water parks every possible weekend. We might not be able to swim at a city lake, but we can definitely swim at the city pools! Buenos Aires has two water parks: Parque Norte and Aquafan. They will be my favorite weekend activity!
  • I’m going to Tigre every possible weekend. Tigre is a beautiful and more relaxed part of Buenos Aires. Many people move to Tigre when they are tired of living the frantic lifestyle of the big city. It’s also possible to spend the day and, different from the water parks, you can swim and sunbathe for free. I will have picnics with my friends at Tigre!
  • I’m going to start practicing water sports. Sometimes, water parks or river beaches like the one in Tigre can get crowded and ruin all the fun. Therefore, I will start practicing a water sport! It will probably be swimming classes, windsurfing, kayaking, sailing… it doesn’t matter which one, the important thing is that I will be as close as possible to the water.

These are some of the things I’m planning to do (and not do) during summer in Buenos Aires! With this guide, I will be able to avoid the disadvantages of hot weather and enjoy all the “easy living” summer will bring!

How about you? What will you do to enjoy summer in a big city like Buenos Aires?

Spring: Five reasons why I love it

The ‘best season of the year’ award goes to…

Every year I’m amazed at how the months go by very fast. We are already in the first week of September! Soon we will be wishing a happy New Year for everyone! Crazy, isn’t it? Looking on the bright side, the beginning of September also means the end of winter! I mean, in the Southern Hemisphere of course (In the United States or Europe, the next season will be autumn or *fall). After winter comes spring and that’s my favorite time of the year.

Top 5 reasons Why I love spring season

Why is spring my favorite season of the year? I’m glad you asked too! I have a list of 5 main reasons why I love spring. I actually have a “Top 5” list for every season (summer, autumn, winter, and spring) but let’s start with my favorite one. ☺

  1. Not too hot, not too cold. spring usually has comfortable temperatures, the days are longer and the nights are warm but with a cold soft wind. You don’t need to wear all the layers of clothes that winter demands, and you are also not going to melt yourself away like summer makes you melt.
  2. Green and flowers everywhere. spring is a time of (re)birth. That means that the whole nature is renewing. The trees start to become full of green leaves again, the baby birds are learning to fly and the flowers are blossoming with full energy.
  3.  Light clothes and more smiles. In spring, the sunny and warm days are back! Forget about rain coats, boots or gloves; it’s time for the flip-flops, shorts, and t-shirts. It’s time for colored clothes and pleasant afternoons at parks. Even if there are rainy days, they will probably be joined by the sun and the beloved rainbow! How can you be in a bad mood when there is a rainbow in the sky?
  4. Outdoor activities. Just like the animals that hibernate during winter, we humans also feel the need to stay home during the cold season. A blow of cold wind in our faces can even harm our skin! Besides, our body doesn’t have natural protections against cold weather, we need all the layers of clothes before we even consider going out. However, when spring comes, people want to go out again. Everybody starts thinking about outdoor activities, people practice more sports and camping becomes the best option for vacation.
  5. Fresh fruits and vegetables. With today’s technology, it is possible to have most of all fruits and vegetables the whole year. However, in spring they are naturally ready to sprout. It’s their time to shine! Well, to shine and be eaten! With all the fruits and vegetables, we can guarantee a healthy diet and very colorful meals.

In short, spring is a time of fewer clothes, more sun, green grass, beautiful flowers, healthy habits and happy people! How can we not like it? Of course, all seasons have advantages. It all comes down to how you react to them. If you are a more introspective person, maybe winter or autumn make you feel more comfortable; if you are extroverted or you don’t like enclosed places, spring or summer are the seasons for you!

*fall: autumn and fall are synonyms.

Which is your favorite season?

The Bucket List

…the most important list of your life!

What if…?

Have you ever stopped to think about what you are doing with your life? Almost every night before falling asleep, right? Yes, you are not alone. We all wonder about life and the things we do in it. We wonder if we should change jobs, move to another neighborhood, start studying English, buy a car, or travel during our vacation period. 

These are the types of questions we ask ourselves every day. However, have you ever thought about bigger things you could do in life? You know, the things you cannot die without at least trying once? America and Britain call that a bucket list! Have you ever heard about bucket lists?


The what list?

I know what you are thinking. Isn’t a bucket a plastic or metal object which you use to collect water or to mix house cleaning products in? Yes, it is. However, the term bucket list comes from an old English idiom, “to kick the bucket”, which means to die or pass away. 

Supposedly, the expression originated from a common suicide practice. People would step on top of a bucket, place a rope around their necks and kick the bucket.

The story doesn’t start off very well, I know. Despite the origin of this idiom, making a bucket list is actually a very entertaining activity nowadays! It’s a very common activity among children in English and North American schools. It is also common among young people dreaming about life’s possibilities, or even among older people trying to make the best of the time they have left. The idea is not to think about death but to think about the good things you can do or see in this beautifully diverse world while you are still alive.

What goes on a Bucket List?

Usually, people fill the list up with exotic travel destinations, radical career changes, romantic relationships and get-rich-quick schemes. In my case, before I kick the bucket, I would like to have…

  • traveled to all the continents (so far I have only been to 2!) ☐
  • lived with a traditional tribe up in the mountains ☐
  • learned German or French (maybe both!) ☐
  • jumped off an airplane ☐
  • been a part of political change ☐
  • fallen in love ☑
  • found a job that allows me to live anywhere in the world ☑

This is my bucket list (so far!)! Those are the things I would like to have accomplished by the time I kick the bucket. Luckily, I can cross out the last two items. I have fallen in love and I have managed to find a profession that allows me to live anywhere in the world! Great, isn’t it? A bucket list is also a good way to remind yourself that you have already accomplished some of the things you think are important and that you really value in life.

 How about you? Have you got a bucket list? I would love to know what’s on it! Share it in the comments 🙂